Detective Conan 3 : The Mystery of the Legend of the Monster Bird (2011)

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Detective Conan Drama Spesial 2011 - To celebrate the Detective Conan anime and movies’ 15th anniversary, many special events have been lined up for the year 2011 as part of Detective Conan’s 15th Anniversary Special Project.

First, as we have previously reported, a new live-action TV special is set to be broadcast this spring, according to this week’s Weekly Shonen Sunday (Volume 11). Nearly five years after the last live-action TV special was aired, this third live-action adaptation of the Detective Conan series will have a new cast, starring 22-year-old Mizobata Junpei as Kudou Shinichi and 19-year-old Kutsuna Shiori as Mouri Ran. The story is set in a secluded village that is ruled by the legend of a mysterious bird, and is set to have taken place 100 days before Shinichi turned into Conan.

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Detective Conan 3 : The Mystery of the Legend of the Monster Bird
Detective Conan: Kudo Shinichi e no chosenjo kaicho densetsu no nazo
Released : 15 April 2011 (Japan)
Starring : Junpei Mizobata, Shiori Kutsuna and Masao Kusakari
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : Japaneese
Subtitle : English | Indonesian
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5 komentar:

Dwijayasblog mengatakan... [Reply]

Thanks for the file. I like Connan very much.

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply]

gak bisa di download

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply]

yang bagian dua g' bisa didownload gan

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply]

dead link

Anonim mengatakan... [Reply]

ada link yang baru direupload, ayo unduh

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